Results for 'Anne Claartje Margreet Meuwese'

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  1.  20
    Constitutionalism and the rule of law: bridging idealism and realism.Maurice Adams, Anne Claartje Margreet Meuwese, Hirsch Ballin & M. H. E. (eds.) - 2017 - New York, NY: Cambridge University Press.
    Rule of law and constitutionalist ideals are understood by many, if not most, as necessary to create a just political order. Defying the traditional division between normative and positive theoretical approaches, this book explores how political reality on the one hand, and constitutional ideals on the other, mutually inform and influence each other. Seventeen chapters from leading international scholars cover a diverse range of topics and case studies to test the hypothesis that the best normative theories, including those regarding the (...)
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    Conceptualization and Operationalization of the Concept of Moral Craftsmanship.Anne I. Schaap, H. C. W. de Vet, Margreet M. Stolper & A. C. Molewijk - 2024 - Business and Professional Ethics Journal 43 (1):27-54.
    Prison work creates ethical challenges for which a training program was initiated for Dutch prison staff to foster their Moral Craftsmanship (MCS). The concept of MCS is not yet defined and operationalized in literature. This explorative study aims to 1) define MCS, 2) identify conceptual elements of MCS, and 3) develop a measurement tool for MCS. A document and literature study provided input for the definition and selection of conceptual elements related within DCIA policy documents, identifying three conceptual levels of (...)
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    In EXOG‐depleted cardiomyocytes cell death is marked by a decreased mitochondrial reserve capacity of the electron transport chain.Wardit Tigchelaar, Anne Margreet De Jong, Wiek H. van Gilst, Rudolf A. De Boer & Herman H. W. Silljé - 2016 - Bioessays 38 (S1):136-145.
    Depletion of mitochondrial endo/exonuclease G‐like (EXOG) in cultured neonatal cardiomyocytes stimulates mitochondrial oxygen consumption rate (OCR) and induces hypertrophy via reactive oxygen species (ROS). Here, we show that neurohormonal stress triggers cell death in endo/exonuclease G‐like‐depleted cells, and this is marked by a decrease in mitochondrial reserve capacity. Neurohormonal stimulation with phenylephrine (PE) did not have an additive effect on the hypertrophic response induced by endo/exonuclease G‐like depletion. Interestingly, PE‐induced atrial natriuretic peptide (ANP) gene expression was completely abolished in endo/exonuclease (...)
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    Anne Margreet W. As-Vijvers, Re-Making the Margin: The Master of the David Scenes and Flemish Manuscript Painting around 1500, trans. Diane Webb. Turnhout: Brepols, 2013. Pp. 786; 355 black-and-white and 72 color figures. €170. ISBN: 978-2-50351684-4. [REVIEW]Lieve De Kesel - 2014 - Speculum 89 (2):440-441.
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  5. Machine generated contents note: Part I. Realism and Idealism in Constitutionalism and the Rule of Law : theory and history : 1. The ideal and the real in the realm of constitutionalism and the rule of law : an introduction / Maurice Adams, Ernst Hirsch Ballin and Anne Meuwese; 2. Tempering power / Martin Krygier; 3. Between the 'real' and the 'right': explorations along the institutional-constitutional frontier / Peter Lindseth; 4. The emergence of the rule of law in Western constitutional history : revising traditional narratives / Randall Lesaffer and Shavana Musa; Part II. The Rule of Law in Country-Specific Settings: Case Studies in Reconciling Realism and Idealism: 5. Rule of law, democracy and human rights: the paramountcy of moderation / Sumit Bisarya and W. Elliot Bulmer; 6. The need for realism: ideals and practice in Indonesia's constitutional history / Adriaan Bedner; 7. Constitutionalism a la Rwandaise / Nick Huls; 8. Between promise and practice: constitutionalism in Sout. [REVIEW]Tom Ginsburg & Mila Versteeg - 2017 - In Maurice Adams, Anne Claartje Margreet Meuwese, Hirsch Ballin & M. H. E., Constitutionalism and the rule of law: bridging idealism and realism. New York, NY: Cambridge University Press.
  6.  44
    Prevalence and characteristics of moral case deliberation in Dutch health care.Linda Dauwerse, Margreet Stolper, Guy Widdershoven & Bert Molewijk - 2014 - Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy 17 (3):365-375.
    The attention for Moral case deliberation has increased over the past years. Previous research on MCD is often written from the perspective of MCD experts or MCD participants and we lack a more distant view to the role of MCD in Dutch health care institutions in general. The purpose of this paper is to provide an overview of the state of the art concerning MCD in the Netherlands. As part of a larger national study on clinical ethics support in the (...)
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  7.  40
    Ethics support for ethics support: the development of the Confidentiality Compass for dealing with moral challenges concerning (breaching) confidentiality in moral case deliberation.Wieke Ligtenberg, Margreet Stolper & Bert Molewijk - 2024 - BMC Medical Ethics 25 (1):1-15.
    Background Confidentiality is one of the central preconditions for clinical ethics support (CES). CES cases which generate moral questions for CES staff concerning (breaching) confidentiality of what has been discussed during CES can cause moral challenges. Currently, there seems to be no clear policy or guidance regarding how CES staff can or should deal with these moral challenges related to (not) breaching confidentiality within CES. Moral case deliberation is a specific kind of CES. Method Based on experiences and research into (...)
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  8. Compassion in care: A qualitative study of older people with a chronic disease and nurses.Margreet van der Cingel - 2011 - Nursing Ethics 18 (5):672-685.
    This article describes compassion as perceived within the relationship between nurses and older persons with a chronic disease. The aim of the study is to understand the benefit of compassion for nursing practice within the context of long-term care. The design of the study involves a qualitative analysis of in-depth interviews with nurses and patients in three different care-settings. Results show the nature of compassion in seven dimensions: attentiveness, listening, confronting, involvement, helping, presence and understanding. Analysis of the data also (...)
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  9.  52
    Tragedy in moral case deliberation.Benita Spronk, Margreet Stolper & Guy Widdershoven - 2017 - Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy 20 (3):321-333.
    In healthcare practice, care providers are confronted with tragic situations, in which they are expected to make choices and decisions that can have far-reaching consequences. This article investigates the role of moral case deliberation in dealing with tragic situations. It focuses on experiences of care givers involved in the treatment of a pregnant woman with a brain tumour, and their evaluation of a series of MCD meetings in which the dilemmas around care were discussed. The study was qualitative, focusing on (...)
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  10.  30
    How to Support Patient and Family in Dealing with Ethical Issues? The Relevance of Moral Case Deliberation.Guy Widdershoven, Margreet Stolper, Bert Molewijk & Suzanne Metselaar - 2020 - American Journal of Bioethics 20 (6):70-72.
    Volume 20, Issue 6, June 2020, Page 70-72.
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  11.  10
    Descartes' droom: filosofie en strips.Margreet van Muijlwijk - 2013 - Brussel: VUB-Press.
    In 'Descartes' droom' worden strip en filosofie met elkaar verbonden. Een idee van Hubert Dethier, die in zijn colleges aan de VUB het medium strip tot onderwerp van filosofische bezinning maakte. Filosofe en vroegere stripuitgeefster Margreet van Muijlwijk nam de fakkel van hem over en verbond ter gelegenheid van Hubert Dethiers tachtigste verjaardag diens gedachtegoed met de vele aspecten van wat intussen een volwassen kunst (de negende kunst) is geworden. Strip en filosofie passen goed bij elkaar. Terwijl filosofie een (...)
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  12.  28
    Philosophy: a discovery in comics.Margreet de Heer - 2012 - New York: NBM.
    A fun introduction in comics to deep thinking and the history of philosophy -- Back cover.
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    Sincere Apologies.Margreet Luth-Morgan - 2017 - Netherlands Journal of Legal Philosophy 46 (2):121-136.
    Sincere Apologies: The Importance of the Offender’s Guilt Feelings This paper discusses the meaning and the importance of emotions, in particular the sincere guilt feelings of the offender. It is argued that the emotion of guilt reveals important information about the offender’s values and normative position. In the remainder of the paper, special consideration is awarded to the argument concerning ritual apologies, which might contain value even when insincere. This argument is rejected, on two grounds: 1. if the apology ritual (...)
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  14. Compassie als antwoord op leed: Een verkenning naar compassie in het domein zorg.Margreet van der Cingel - 2008 - Algemeen Nederlands Tijdschrift voor Wijsbegeerte 100 (2):103-120.
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    Religious and Receptive Coping Importance for the Well-Being of Christian Outpatients and Parishioners.Margreet R. de Vries-Schot, Joseph Z. T. Pieper & Marinus H. F. van Uden - 2012 - Archive for the Psychology of Religion 34 (2):173-189.
    This article presents the results of a study in The Netherlands among two groups of religious people: i.e., 165 Christian outpatients and 171 parishioners. In this study, we focused on the following main questions. To what degree did these two groups of Christians practice positive religious coping, negative religious coping and receptive coping? What are the relationships between these three coping strategies? To what degree were positive religious, negative religious and receptive coping activities related to the well-being of the respondents? (...)
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  16.  93
    Why Compassion Still Needs Hume Today.Margreet van der Cingel - 2015 - Diametros 44:140-152.
    Over the past years the relevance of compassion for society and specific practices such as in healthcare is becoming a focus of attention. Philosophers and scientists discuss theoretical descriptions and defining characteristics of the phenomenon and its benefits and pitfalls. However, there are hardly any empirical studies which substantiate these writings in specific societal areas. Besides, compassion may be in the eye of attention today but has always been of interest for many contemporary philosophers as well as philosophers in the (...)
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    Three Illustrated Prose Lancelots from the same Atelier.Martine Meuwese - 1999 - Bulletin of the John Rylands Library 81 (3):97-125.
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    VIRT 2 UE: A European train-the-trainer programme for teaching research integrity.Natalie Evans, Armin Schmolmueller, Margreet Stolper, Giulia Inguaggiato, Astrid Hooghiemstra, Ruzica Tokalic, Daniel Pizzolato, Nicole Foeger, Ana Marušić, Marc van Hoof, Dirk Lanzerath, Bert Molewijk, Kris Dierickx & Guy Widdershoven on - 2024 - Research Ethics 20 (2):187-209.
    Universities and other research institutions are increasingly providing additional training in research integrity to improve the quality and reliability of research. Various training courses have been developed, with diverse learning goals and content. Despite the importance of training that focuses on moral character and professional virtues, there remains a lack of training that adopts a virtue ethics approach. To address this, we, a European Commission-funded consortium, have designed a train-the-trainer programme for research integrity. The programme is based on (1) virtue (...)
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  19.  17
    Mary‑Anne Zagdoun, L’Esthétique d’Aristote.Anne‑Lise Worms - 2012 - Philosophie Antique 12:313-317.
    C’est par une description de la fête des Grandes Dionysies, célébrée chaque année à Athènes à la fin du mois de mars, que Mary‑Anne Zagdoun entame son ouvrage sur « l’esthétique d’Aristote ». Et pour cause : c’est principalement, on le sait, lors de cette panégyrie qu’avaient lieu les représentations théâtrales des œuvres qui constituent l’objet d’étude privilégié à partir duquel Aristote a élaboré une théorie artistique novatrice : les tragédies et, dans une moindre mesure pour ce que nous (...)
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  20. Gendered participation in water management: Issues and illustrations from water users' associations in South Asia. [REVIEW]Ruth Meinzen-Dick & Margreet Zwarteveen - 1998 - Agriculture and Human Values 15 (4):337-345.
    The widespread trend to transferirrigation management responsibility from the stateto “communities” or local user groups has byand large ignored the implications ofintra-community power differences for theeffectiveness and equity of water management. Genderis a recurrent source of such differences. Despitethe rhetoric on women‘s participation, a review ofevidence from South Asia shows that femaleparticipation is minimal in water users‘organizations. One reason for this is that theformal and informal membership criteria excludewomen. Moreover, the balance between costs andbenefits of participation is often negative forwomen (...)
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  21.  74
    Anne-Marie Doyen-Higuet, L'Épitomé de la Collection d'hippiatrie grecque.Anne McCabe - 2009 - Byzantinische Zeitschrift 102 (1):235-238.
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  22.  32
    Examining the Doing of Ethics Support Staff. A Dialogical Approach Toward Assessing the Quality of Facilitators of Moral Case Deliberation.Bert Molewijk, Reidar Pedersen & Margreet Stolper - 2020 - American Journal of Bioethics 20 (3):42-44.
    Volume 20, Issue 3, March 2020, Page 42-44.
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  23.  11
    Frequencies of Behavioral Problems Reported by Parents and Teachers of Hearing-Impaired Children With Cochlear Implants.Merle Boerrigter, Anneke Vermeulen, Henri Marres, Emmanuel Mylanus & Margreet Langereis - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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  24.  31
    Mary-Anne Zagdoun, La Philosophie stoïcienne de l’art.Anne-Lise Worms - 2002 - Philosophie Antique 2:232-236.
    Mary-Anne Zagdoun se propose, dans l’ouvrage qu’elle consacre à la philosophie stoïcienne de l’art, de combler une lacune. En effet, « l’ampleur et l’importance [de celle-ci] ont été longtemps », selon elle, « sous-estimées » et « il manquait sur la question un travail permettant de situer le problème dans l’ensemble de la philosophie stoïcienne ». (Introduction, p. 9) L’on peut dès à présent dire que le but fixé par l’auteur est atteint : si Mary-Anne Zagdoun souligne à (...)
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  25.  59
    Neural correlates of hallucinogen-induced altered states of consciousness.Franz X. Vollenweider, Alex Gamma & Margreet Fi Vollenweider-Scherpenhuyzen - 1999 - In Stuart R. Hameroff, Alfred W. Kaszniak & David John Chalmers, Toward a Science of Consciousness III: The Third Tucson Discussions and Debates. MIT Press.
  26.  30
    Personality Traits of Profoundly Hearing Impaired Adolescents with Cochlear Implants – A Comparison with Normal Hearing Peers.Merle Boerrigter, Anneke Vermeulen, Henri Marres & Margreet Langereis - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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    (1 other version)Anne Cova, Féminismes et néo-malthusianismes sous la iiie République : « La liberté de la maternité ».Anne Epstein - 2012 - Clio 36.
    L’ouvrage d’Anne Cova, tiré principalement de la partie inédite de sa thèse doctorale soutenue en 1994, porte sur l’histoire des débats autour d’une question : « la liberté de la maternité », dont les contours s’étendent bien au-delà des discussions entre les féministes et leur opposants, et qui d’une certaine manière reste aussi « brûlante » de nos jours qu’il y a cent ans, soit la période étudiée. Le dépouillement des plus importants périodiques spécialisés publiés entre 1890 et 1939 (...)
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  28. Chapter Eleven Portrayal of Women and Jungian Anima Figures in Literature: Quantitative Content Analytic Studies Anne E. Martindale and Colin Martindale.Anne E. Martindale - 2007 - In Leonid Dorfman, Colin Martindale & Vladimir Petrov, Aesthetics and innovation. Newcastle, UK: Cambridge Scholars Press. pp. 205.
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    Improving Ethics Support: Seeing and Organizing Ethics Support Differently.Bert Molewijk, Janine de Snoo-Trimp, Margreet Stolper & Guy Widdershoven - 2022 - American Journal of Bioethics 22 (4):53-55.
    Much of what we know and see of ethics support, in literature and during trainings, workshops and conferences, derives from clinical ethicists working at academic medical centers. Besides the probl...
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  30.  75
    Anne Querrien, La Borde, Guattari and Left Movements in France, 1965–81.Anne Querrien & Constantin Boundas - 2016 - Deleuze and Guatarri Studies 10 (3):395-416.
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  31. How Real Is the Reality in Documentary Film? Jill Godmilow, in conversation with Ann-Louise Shapiro.Ann-Louise Shapiro - 1997 - History and Theory 36 (4):80–101.
    Documentary film, in the words of Bill Nichols, is one of the "discourses of sobriety" that include science, economics, politics, and history-discourses that claim to describe the "real," to tell the truth. Yet documentary film, in more obvious ways than does history, straddles the categories of fact and fiction, art and document, entertainment and knowledge. And the visual languages with which it operates have quite different effects than does the written text. In the following interview conducted during the winter of (...)
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    Anne Elliott's Education.Ann W. Astell - 1987 - Renascence 40 (1):2-14.
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  33. Meylan, Anne (2017). In support of the Knowledge-First conception of the normativity of justification. In: Carter, J Adam; Gordon, Emma C; Jarvis, Benjamin. Knowledge First: Approaches in Epistemology and Mind. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 246-258.Anne Meylan, J. Adam Carter, Emma C. Gordon & Benjamin Jarvis (eds.) - 2017
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    Anne Fausto-Sterling, Corps en tous genres. La Dualité des sexes à l’épreuve de la science.Anne-Claire Rebreyend - 2013 - Clio 37:251-254.
    La pensée d’Anne Fausto-Sterling, biologiste reconnue dans l’espace anglophone, historienne des sciences et professeure à l’université de Brown (Rhode Island), est enfin accessible au lectorat français. La traduction de Sexing the Body, publié en 2000 aux États-Unis a été initiée par l’Institut Émilie du Châtelet pour le développement et la diffusion des études sur les femmes, le sexe et le genre et financée par la Région Ile-de-France. Dans sa préface américaine, l’auteure rappelle combien d...
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  35. A feature integration theory of attention.Anne Treisman - 1980 - Cognitive Psychology 12:97-136.
  36.  60
    Bioethics education in clinical settings: theory and practice of the dilemma method of moral case deliberation.Margreet Stolper, Bert Molewijk & Guy Widdershoven - 2016 - BMC Medical Ethics 17 (1):45.
    BackgroundMoral Case Deliberation is a specific form of bioethics education fostering professionals’ moral competence in order to deal with their moral questions. So far, few studies focus in detail on Moral Case Deliberation methodologies and their didactic principles. The dilemma method is a structured and frequently used method in Moral Case Deliberation that stimulates methodological reflection and reasoning through a systematic dialogue on an ethical issue experienced in practice.MethodsIn this paper we present a case-study of a Moral Case Deliberation with (...)
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  37. The measurement of moral judgment.Anne Colby - 1987 - New York: Cambridge University Press. Edited by Lawrence Kohlberg.
    This long-awaited two-volume set constitutes the definitive presentation of the system of classifying moral judgment built up by Lawrence Kohlberg and his associates over a period of twenty years. Researchers in child development and education around the world, many of whom have worked with interim versions of the system, indeed, all those seriously interested in understanding the problem of moral judgment, will find it an indispensable resource. Volume I reviews Kohlberg's stage theory, and the by-now large body of research on (...)
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  38. No Laughing Matter: John Stuart Mill's Establishment of Women's Suffrage as a Parliamentary Question: Ann Robson.Ann Robson - 1990 - Utilitas 2 (1):88-101.
    Of all my recollections connected with the H of C that of my having had the honour of being the first to make the claim of women to the suffrage a parliamentary question, is the most gratifying as I believe it to have been the most important public service that circumstances made it in my power to render. This is now a thing accomplished.….
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    Learning by Doing. Training Health Care Professionals to Become Facilitator of Moral Case Deliberation.Margreet Stolper, Bert Molewijk & Guy Widdershoven - 2015 - HEC Forum 27 (1):47-59.
    Moral case deliberation is a dialogue among health care professionals about moral issues in practice. A trained facilitator moderates the dialogue, using a conversation method. Often, the facilitator is an ethicist. However, because of the growing interest in MCD and the need to connect MCD to practice, healthcare professionals should also become facilitators themselves. In order to transfer the facilitating expertise to health care professionals, a training program has been developed. This program enables professionals in health care institutions to acquire (...)
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    Entretien avec Anne-Emmanuelle BERGER.Anne-Emmanuelle Berger & Isabelle Alfandary - 2019 - Rue Descartes 95 (1):58-79.
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    Stéphane Gougelmann & Anne Verjus (dir.), Écrire le mariage en France au xixe.Anne-Marie Sohn - 2019 - Clio 49:314-317.
    Ce colloque devenu livre comble une lacune. Alors que le sujet a été labouré pour le xviiie siècle, aucune synthèse n’existait jusque-là sur le mariage dans la littérature du xixe siècle. Or, la rupture avec les Lumières est frappante comme l’attestent, par exemple, les réécritures d’Inès de Castro étudiées par Maurizio Melai. Le thème du « mariage interdit », inspiré par la tragédie d’Houdar de la Motte (1723) mais subverti un siècle plus tard, illustre le passage de l’Ancien Régime aristocr...
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    The co-instantiation thesis.Ann Whittle - 2007 - Australasian Journal of Philosophy 85 (1):61 – 79.
    The co-instantiation thesis is pivotal to a significant solution to the problem of causal exclusion. But this thesis has been subject to some powerful objections. In this paper, I argue that these difficulties arise because the thesis lacks the necessary metaphysical framework in which its claims should be interpreted and understood. Once this framework is in place, we see that the co-instantiation thesis can answer its critics. The result is a rehabilitated co-instantiation solution to the troubling problem of causal exclusion. (...)
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    Agnete Weis Bentzon, Anne Hellum, Julie Stewart, Welshman Ncube and Torben Agersnap, Pursuing Grounded Theory in Law: South-North Experiences in Developing Women's Law. [REVIEW]Anne Griffiths - 1999 - Feminist Legal Studies 7 (3):355-357.
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    What makes a nurse today? A debate on the nursing professional identity and its need for change.Margreet Cingel & Jasperina Brouwer - 2021 - Nursing Philosophy 22 (2):e12343.
    In 2020, due to the Nightingale year and COVID‐19 crisis, nursing is in the public eye more than ever. Nurses often are being seen as compassionate helpers. The public image of nursing, however, also consists of stereotypes such as nursing being a ‘doing’ profession and care being a ‘female’ characteristic. Next to that, nursing is associated with images from the past, such as ‘the lady with the lamp’. Therefore, in the public eye at least, the nursing identity seems a simple (...)
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    Race and the Education of Desire: Foucault’s History of Sexuality and the Colonial Order of Things.Ann Laura Stoler - 1995 - Duke University Press.
    Michel Foucault’s _History of Sexuality_ has been one of the most influential books of the last two decades. It has had an enormous impact on cultural studies and work across many disciplines on gender, sexuality, and the body. Bringing a new set of questions to this key work, Ann Laura Stoler examines volume one of _History of Sexuality_ in an unexplored light. She asks why there has been such a muted engagement with this work among students of colonialism for whom (...)
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    Qualitative Research, Appropriation of the ‘Other’ and Empowerment.Anne Opie - 1992 - Feminist Review 40 (1):52-69.
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    Religious Experience Reconsidered: A Building-Block Approach to the Study of Religion and Other Special Things.Ann Taves - 2009 - Princeton University Press.
    The essence of religion was once widely thought to be a unique form of experience that could not be explained in neurological, psychological, or sociological terms. In recent decades scholars have questioned the privileging of the idea of religious experience in the study of religion, an approach that effectively isolated the study of religion from the social and natural sciences. Religious Experience Reconsidered lays out a framework for research into religious phenomena that reclaims experience as a central concept while bridging (...)
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    Gentle Riffs and Noises Off: Research Supervision Under the Spotlight.Anne Pirrie, Kari Manum & Saif Eddine Necib - 2020 - Journal of Philosophy of Education 54 (1):146-163.
    Journal of Philosophy of Education, EarlyView.
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    Ethical leadership revisited: The value of sharing diverse perspectives.Ann Gallagher - 2017 - Nursing Ethics 24 (5):515-516.
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    Unconditional Equals.Anne Phillips - 2021 - Princeton University Press.
    Why equality cannot be conditional on a shared human “nature” but has to be for all For centuries, ringing declarations about all men being created equal appealed to a shared human nature as the reason to consider ourselves equals. But appeals to natural equality invited gradations of natural difference, and the ambiguity at the heart of “nature” enabled generations to write of people as equal by nature while barely noticing the exclusion of those marked as inferior by their gender, race, (...)
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